sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2014

Merry Christmas!!!!

This is the WBT at Peñas Albas School... you can see their faces... Christmas is near and a lot of work is now behind their backs... but the shine on their faces is there... they all had a great time using WBT. 
Even at the Chrismas Festival. Our attention getter was a blast!! Class Ho, Ho, HO!!! made 200 kids answer you back and stared at you for the next instruction!!!! It was AMAZING!!!.

From our school, we want to wish  all the WBT family:
 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  
We will be spreading the greatness and power of WBT among other teachers, so they also can reach heaven .... what a great GIFT!!!!

First trimestre using WBT. What a change!!!

(Esta entrada será en inglés... podéis traducirla con el traductor a la derecha..)
I can't believe that we are in Christmas already.... time has gone so fast.... and we've come so far using WBT.
I want to share with you my experience using WBT this first trimestre...

Classes are fast, it's true you need to prepare the classes before hand... you can't just arive to class and see what you want to do. You need to sit down, know what you want to teach the kids, be clear on how you want to transmit that information and what amount of information is needed in order to have a micro-lecture ready to go. Kids are lost when you give them a lot of information...so short and clear is enough.
Micro-lectures are fun. Kids enjoy teaching each other, using gestures, moving around in class!!! making noise!!! and the best part is that now I'm certain that they are learnig SO MUCH. 

The amount of A's in my Science class has increased so much that kids, parents anf of course myself are seeing the difference of using WBT.

We have started using the call outs, to share information, give examples... that is kids are called out to say the answer, they feel important, they stand up, they call the other kids attention using Class-yes and then they repeat what he says using Mirror word.... Wow do they feel like floating in the sky!!! They feel important and highly motivated!!!


Whole Brain Teaching is really helping me and my kids.. I love my job again and kids enjoy my classes so much....