jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

Don't give up!!

Resultado de imagen para take it easyTeaching is not easy... and changing your way of doing so is not always an easy path to follow... but who said that life was easy??

Click here and keep on reading.... while listening...

WBT is a great methodology with amazing tools... but it takes time and sometimes we want things here and now... and  things done well, DO take time.

Resultado de imagen para be patient

Be patience... you start reading and reading about all the goodies WBT has... and you want to put everything into practice... you want to do everything right the first time... but it takes time... don't rush into things... go little by little. 

Resultado de imagen para wbt the big 7
Start using the rules, take your time getting to know them well, how to use them, enjoy using them and have your kids enjoy the use of them... then you move into something else.
Class-yes.. the great attention getter...
Scoreboard.... the amazing motivator
Teach- okay the absolute teaching tool....

Resultado de imagen para enjoy

Master the big 7 and then move into something new:
Brainies, brain toys,...
Super Improvers team
Games such as Super Speed 100, soccer game, ...

But don't forget... take it easy.... enjoy every step of the way.... and your kids will do too. And... little by little you will be reaching heaven... take your time... but you will get there!!Resultado de imagen para enjoy

Nouns with WBT

NOUNS WITH WBT... music for your ears!

Noun is a difficult abstract grammar matter for 2nd grade kids... but WBT has turn a dull topic into something fun and easy to learn.

Resultado de imagen para wbt because

We use brainies when saying a sentence, we repeat the micro-lecture of the definition with big fun gestures and the rest and we give a lot of examples using the BECAUSE , on of the Brain Toys.... it's a game for them and heaven for us!!

What's a Noun?
A Noun (hand up) is the name of a person, an animal, a place and a thing.

For example.... Villalbilla, Ana, dog, book....

Ana is a Noun BECAUSE is a person
Dog is a Noun BECAUSE is an animal
Villalbilla is a Noun BECAUSE is a place.
Book is a Noun BECAUSE is a thing.

Then we move on, into sentences where they need to diferenciate the Noun from the rest of the parts of the sentence.

Ana is the teacher

Ana is the Noun BECAUSE is a person AND Teacher is a Noun BECAUSE is a person 

Kids are able to differenciate the nouns in a complete sentence just by recognizing if they are places, things, people or animals... it transforms an abstract matter into a game that they are able to remember easily.